Guide to Bond Loans and Rental Grants

Repaying your Bond Loan or Bond Loan Plus

You must repay your Bond Loan or Bond Loan Plus within the loan term you were approved for.

However, you can pay back your Bond Loan or Bond Loan Plus earlier if you wish.

Payment methods

You can repay your loan using these methods:


EasyPay is free to use and ensures your Bond Loan repayment is paid on time, even if you’re on holidays or ill.

Bond Loan repayments can be deducted from Centrelink payments and paid directly to us each fortnight.

If you receive a Centrelink income support payment, using EasyPay for Bond Loan repayments is a condition of your approval.

You need to complete and sign the EasyPay deduction authority for Bond Loan payments form (PDF, 761KB) when applying for a Bond Loan. All applicants must decide how much each applicant will pay. However, the total amount deducted must meet the required monthly Bond Loan repayment.

You can pay more than your monthly repayment by stating the amount you wish to pay each fortnight on the ‘EasyPay deduction authority for Bond Loan payments’ form.


BPay is a fast, easy and convenient way to pay your Bond Loan by phone or internet banking.

You can use BPay if you’re a registered phone banker or internet banker with a participating financial institution. The BPay biller code and your payment reference number are printed on your payment slip.

You can only use debit cards when repaying your loan with BPay.

Your financial institution may charge you a fee for using BPay.

Electronic repayment barcode

You can repay your Bond Loan using the department’s electronic barcode. This is available via the free Housing Assist Qld app or online.

If you use other payment methods, such as EasyPay, you can still use the repayment barcode to make additional payments.

You can download the free Housing Assist Qld App from your App store on Apple, Windows and Android devices.

You can find your repayment barcode and BPay reference number online.

Find your repayment details.

Automatic payments

You can arrange for your bank, credit union or building society to transfer Bond Loan repayments from your account to us. The repayments can only be taken from one account.

You can also pay Bond Loan arrears and other debts using this method.

Your financial institution may charge you a fee for transferring each Bond Loan repayment.

Contact your financial institution to arrange repayment by this method.

Cheque or money order

You can repay your Bond Loan by sending a cheque or money order to us with your name and Bond Loan account number.

Make out the cheque or money order to the Department of Housing and mail it to:

Department of Housing
Queensland Shared Services
Accounts Receivable
GPO Box 173
Brisbane Qld 4001

Trouble making repayments

If you’re having trouble making repayments, contact the Bond Loan Arrears Team on 1800 501 702 as soon as possible.

Each person listed on the Bond Loan agreement is responsible for ensuring the full Bond Loan amount is repaid.

Checking your loan balance

You can check the balance of your outstanding Bond Loan or Bond Loan Plus with our Bond Loan balance tool.

You’ll need to provide your Bond Loan or Bond Loan Plus number and date of birth.

Rental bond refunds

When you move out of your rental home, your rental bond may be refunded if you lodge a Refund of rental bond form (Form 4) with the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA).

Your landlord/agent may make a claim against the rental bond for any unpaid rent, cleaning or property damage.

The RTA can help you if you want to dispute any claim by your landlord/agent.

If you still owe money on a Bond Loan or Bond Loan Plus when you move out, we use any bond refund amount that your landlord/agent isn’t claiming to repay this debt.

If you still have a debt after this process, you need to contact the Bond Loan Arrears team on 1800 501 702 to arrange to pay the amount.

If your loan is fully repaid at the end of your tenancy and your landlord/agent doesn’t make a claim, you will receive the full bond amount.

Download forms from the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA).

In this guide:

  1. Check your eligibility for Bond Loans and Rental Grants
  2. How to apply
  3. After you have applied
  4. Repaying your Bond Loan or Bond Loan Plus
  5. Existing Bond Loans

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