Fire ants

Information for Queensland public housing tenants

These small ants are extremely aggressive and should not be touched.

Fire ants have been found throughout South East Queensland. This interactive fire ant map shows where they've been identified.

Each property in an infested area must be treated to eradicate the fire ants. The National Fire Ant Eradication Program is completing this work using a staged, rolling treatment strategy.

Authorised officers might need to enter your property to check for and treat fire ants. Officers will have Queensland Government ID and require access to your outdoor spaces only.

Does the fire ant sting?

Yes. They are a serious problem because their sting can cause a painful, burning and itching sensation (like the body is on fire). This can last for an hour.

In extremely rare cases, fire ant stings can cause a life-threatening allergic reaction. Seek medical assistance immediately if you have any concerns. See fire ant first aid for more information.

What do fire ants look like?

Fire ants look like ordinary house or garden ants.

  • They are small and coppery brown in colour, with a darker abdomen.
  • They come in various sizes within one nest, from 2mm to 6mm.
  • They are aggressive, particularly near the nest.

See pictures of fire ants.

What do fire ant nests look like?

Nests look like dome-shaped mounds. They don't have a clear hole for the ants to enter and exit. Fire ant nests can be up to 40cm high.

Mounds are not always easy to see but are usually in open areas, such as lawns, pastures, roadsides and unused cropland. They can also be next to or underneath timber, logs, rocks, pavers or bricks.

What to do if you see fire ants on your property

  • Do not touch them.
  • Do not try to treat them or destroy the nest.
  • Report fire ants online or call 13 25 23. The person answering will ask questions to work out whether the ants are fire ants and they need to visit your property immediately.
  • Contact your nearest Housing Service Centre to notify us of the problem.