Help to find housing

If you have a criminal record

Help is available if you have a criminal record and are having problems getting housing.

If you are leaving jail

If you are about to leave jail, organise a place to live before you are released so you have somewhere to go once released.

Emergency help

Have no proof of identification?

If you are homeless and need personal identification such as a birth certificate to get government services like housing or rental support, we suggest you follow the steps below.

Get your personal information

Gather any information about yourself that you can for proof of ID. This can be:

  • a temporary Medicare card
  • a letter from a government department such as Centrelink
  • a letter from a temporary residence like a hostel (if that’s where you are staying)
  • any other official papers that say who you are.

Apply for a birth certificate application form

Collect an application form from any of the following:

It costs $51.30 to process the application for a certified copy of your birth certificate—see the latest scheduled fees .

If you don’t have any money, find what financial help is available or alternatively:

The Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages also attend a number of Queensland Homeless Connect events during the year.

Complete the application form

You must have a contact address, even if it is temporary, to get a reply. This can be a ‘care of’ your temporary accommodation like a hostel or a Housing Service Centre address.

If you need help with the application, Café One can help you.

If you (or the person helping you) have any questions about the form:

Lodge the application form

Send your application form to:

Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages
PO Box 15188

Or in person at:

Applications can’t be faxed or emailed.

How long will it take?

Processing timeframes for correctly filled out applications that are submitted with proof of ID and supporting documents (if needed) are:

  • 5 business days for non-urgent certificate applications
  • 2 business days for urgent certificate applications. Read about priority processing. (additional fee of $30.40)

If you submit the application at the Brisbane registry customer service centre, you will receive your certificate immediately, unless the birth was registered before 1941.

If the birth was registered before 1941, the certificate will be ready after 2.30pm the next business day.

Helpful links