Living in a residential service

Ensure your shared accommodation is registered and accredited

It is a legal requirement that all residential services in Queensland are registered and accredited so residents can have peace of mind that they are living in safe, clean and well-managed accommodation.

Accreditation means that we have inspected the property and checked that it meets standards for safety of the building, security and emergencies, cleanliness and management.

There are many benefits to living in an accredited service, including a safe and clean living environment. Read more about why you should choose an accredited property.

Check if your accommodation provider is registered

The easiest way to check if your shared accommodation is registered is to contact the caretaker or manager of the premises. The accommodation should also display a certificate of registration and accreditation in or near the entranceway with the date it was registered and accredited.

If you’re in doubt, you can check the Public Register of Residential Services or call us on (07) 3013 2666..

If your accommodation is not registered

You can report your accommodation provider if you find they are not registered. Email or call us on (07) 3013 2666.

Your rent

The Residential Tenancies Authority has useful information about paying your rent in rooming accommodation.


If you have a complaint, the best place to start is to speak to the manager of your accommodation. Often complaints can be resolved this way as they should have a complaints process in place.

You can also submit a complaint by completing our complaints and compliments form or calling us on 13 QGOV (13 74 68).

Your rights and responsibilities

Find out about your responsibilities as a resident in rooming accommodation on the Residential Tenancies Authority website.

Help moving to other accommodation

Sometimes things don’t work out where you are living and you need to find more suitable accommodation. You can call us on 13 QGOV (13 74 68) or visit a Housing Service centre to discuss your options.