Store food

When food is not being used, it must be kept so it does not become contaminated.

Storage areas should be:

  • clean and not overcrowded
  • free from pests
  • food is protected from contamination (for eg. food is covered, not stored on the floor and away from chemicals)

Food must be stored as directed, so that food is fresh and safe to use.

Make sure your fridge is running at less than 5°C and your freezer is cold enough to keep frozen food frozen hard. Check your fridge and freezer temperatures regularly.

High risk food (such as raw egg aioli, mayonnaise or mousse) are not to be kept for more than 24 hours.

Rotate stock to make sure you use the oldest product first.

Store raw food separately from ready-to-eat foods.

Keep food for disposal separate, or isolated from other food.

Store single use items to protect them from contamination


The following records can be used when you store food:

More information

Contact your local council for more information about processing food safely in your food business.

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