Body image

Body image is about how you see yourself—your perceptions and feelings about your own body. This may include your height, shape, or weight.

If you have a healthy body image you feel comfortable in your own skin, are happy most of the time with the way you look, and feel good about yourself. It’s about valuing who you are, not what you look like.

If you have a negative body image, you may have a false view of you body size or shape and may feel uncomfortable, ashamed, or self-conscious. Poor body image is often linked to ‘fad’ dieting or eating disorders.

Potential causes of unhealthy body image:

  • being pressured to measure up to certain social and cultural ideals of what is attractive
  • being pressured to look slim or athletic
  • comparing yourself to celebrities and media personalities
  • listening to negative comments from friends or family about your shape or size
  • being bullied or teased as a child/adolescent.

Tips for a healthy body image:

  • remember that health and appearance are different things
  • keep a list of your positive qualities that have nothing to do with your appearance
  • surround yourself with people who are supportive and who make you feel good about yourself
  • treat your body with respect and kindness
  • achieve a healthy weight.

Stopping excess weight gain and achieving a healthy weight is important to reduce your risk of many chronic diseases. However, you can go a long way to achieving good health with regular physical activity and eating a healthy well balanced diet, regardless of your body weight.

To achieve and maintain a healthy weight, you need to balance your energy needs with regular physical activity and a wide variety of nutritious foods from the 5 food groups every day.

Please browse our tasty healthy recipes and exercise suggestions that are fun, social and essential for health and wellbeing.

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