Help booking a COVID-19 vaccination appointment

How to book online

To book an appointment for yourself, please follow the instructions in the COVID-19 Vaccine booking system step-by-step guide for users (PDF, 1.2 MB) .

For your own security, please ensure you log out of the Queensland Health Vaccine Booking System after making or changing your COVID-19 vaccination appointment. This can be done by clicking on your name at the top right corner of the screen and selecting Log off.

User guides

If, after reading these guides, you have further questions, please phone 134 COVID (134 268).

Booking on behalf of a dependent person

If you would like to book an appointment on behalf of a dependent person, you can do this by following the steps in the guide Book on behalf of someone else (PDF, 1.5 MB) . This guide will help you to book for a person legally considered a dependant person through the Queensland Health Vaccine Booking System. If you would like help with making a booking on behalf of a dependant person, please contact 134 COVID (134 268).

The most common Authorised Decision Maker subtype will be Statutory Health Attorney.

Examples of Statutory health attorneys include Spouse, de facto partner, non-paid carer, close relation (sibling, parent, other relation type) or close friend. A Tribunal Appointed Guardian is an individual appointed by the Queensland Civil and Administration Tribunal and generally is for adults who lacks capacity to make a decision about health care AND have not made a valid Advance Health Directive, or does not have an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA).

For consumers with an Advanced Health Directive, please ensure the document is sighted and contains the relevant direction within in to enable vaccination. For Consumers with an EPOA, please ensure appropriate paperwork is sighted and the consumer is accompanied by their EPOA for the vaccination episode.

Common questions and troubleshooting