Bauxite Hills project

Project summary

The Bauxite Hills Project (the project) is located on the western coastline of Cape York, Queensland, approximately 35 kilometres (km) northeast of Mapoon. The project, proposed by Aldoga Minerals Pty Ltd’s (Aldoga), a wholly owned subsidiary of Metro Mining Limited, would be located on mining lease applications (MLA) MLA20676, MLA20689, MLA20688, MLA100130. The project would include an open cut operation, haul roads, barge loading, and transhipping and would produce and transport up to 5 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of ore over 12 years. The bauxite from the project is suitable as a Direct Shipping Ore (DSO) product (i.e. ore is extracted and loaded directly to ships with no washing or tailings dams required). Bauxite would be transported by barge via the Skardon River to the transhipment site, approximately 12km offshore, and loaded into ocean going vessels (OGVs) and shipped to customers.

The project is characterised by three shallow open cut pits that would be connected via internal haul roads to an existing north-south haul road leading to a barge loading area (BLA) and mine infrastructure area (MIA) operated by the Skardon River Bauxite project (SRBP). Bauxite would be hauled to the SRBP run-of-mine (ROM) stockpile using road train trucks and then loaded onto barges.

The mine will not be operational during the wet season. Vessels of between 60,000 to 80,000t each will be loaded at the transhipment anchorage site. Vessels will be loaded in approximately four to six days, requiring 15–20 loaded barges to complete each cargo. Each barge will typically have a capacity of between 3,500t and 6,500t.

Subject to approval, the construction of the mine is due to commence in late 2016 and is expected to take seven months to complete. The first shipment of bauxite is planned for 2017. The project workforce is estimated to be 75 employees during construction and approximately 254 employees at the peak of operations. In addition to the permanent workforce, it is expected the project would result in the employment of additional workers through local and regional businesses servicing the workers camps and the construction and operation of the mine.

Key components of the project include:

  • shallow open cut pits
  • internal haul roads and access roads
  • raw and potable water supply from great artesian basin and shallow alluvial aquifers
  • waste management and composting area
  • communications infrastructure
  • barging operation
  • cyclone moorings, tidal gauges and navigation infrastructure
  • use of a BLA and MIA operated by the SRBP.

Environmental Protection Act 1994 (Queensland)

On 17 August 2015, Aldoga Pty Ltd (on behalf of Metro Mining) applied under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act) for an environmental authority (EA) for bauxite mining. On 2 September 2015 the department decided that an EIS would be required to properly assess the application. On 21 September 2015, the department notified Aldoga Pty Ltd that the EA application requires assessment by EIS.

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth)

The proposed project was referred on 11 August 2015 to the Australian Department of the Environment (EPBC 2015/7538). On 18 September 2015, the Department of the Environment determined the proposed project to be a controlled action under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). The controlling provisions are sections 18 and 18A (listed threatened species and communities), sections 20 and 20A (listed migratory species) and sections 23 and 24A (Commonwealth marine areas). The EIS process assessed the potential impacts of the project on the controlling provisions consistent with the bilateral agreement (section 45 of the EPBC Act) between the Australian and Queensland governments for the purposes of the Australian Government’s assessment under part 8 of the EPBC Act.

The process for the assessment of this project was as follows:

  1. Submission of draft TOR
  2. Public notification of draft TOR
  3. Final
    issued—EIS in preparation
  4. Public notification of EIS
  5. Proponent responds to submissions
  6. EIS assessment report

The EIS Assessment Report was issued to the proponent on 31 March 2017 in accordance with section 60 of the EP Act. The EIS process under Chapter 3, Part 1 of the EP Act is now completed.

Further information

Publicly available documents:

Superseded documents

For further information about the EIS process for this proposal, contact the EIS coordinator on 13 QGOV (13 74 68) or email