Information for suitably qualified persons

The following information has been prepared to assist Suitably Qualified Persons (SQP) meet the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act 1994 when:

  • preparing a contaminated land investigation document under s.389 or
  • notifying about a relevant matter under s.320.
  1. Module 6 of the Queensland auditor handbook for contaminated land provides guidance about the content and submission requirements of a contaminated land investigation document.
  2. The site suitability statement template
    This template is for use by suitably qualified persons when preparing a site suitability statement for a contaminated land investigation document.
  3. Professional Support Team – Suitably qualified person declaration This template is for use by a person acting as a SQP’s Professional Support Team to make a declaration under section 566 of the EP Act
  4. Contaminated land investigation document – approved form
    This approved form is for use by persons submitting a contaminated land investigation document.
    NOTE: this form needs to be downloaded and saved locally to fill in, save and sign digitally using Adobe Acrobat reader free software.
  5. The Guideline: Duty to notify for environmental harm (PDF, 309KB).
  6. Duty to notify requirements.