Austral toadflax financial offset project: a case study

An environmental offset compensates for unavoidable impacts on significant environmental matters (e.g. threatened species and ecosystems) on one site, by securing and managing land at another site, to replace those significant environmental matters which were lost.

This case study illustrates how the Queensland Government’s Environmental Offset Account is utilising funds to compensate for impacts to a population of Austral toadflax (Thesium australe) resulting from the Toowoomba Bypass project in the eastern Darling Downs.

Austral toadflax financial offset project: a case study

Austral toadflax (Thesium australe)
Map of the offset site showing the Offset Management Units (OMUs) and reference areas
Austral toadflax found on the offset site

Austral toadflax is a yellow-green perennial herb found in grasslands and grassy woodlands and is unusual in that it requires another plant to act as a host. It is an inconspicuous parasitic plant, and little was known about the ecology of the species or its occurrences in the eastern Darling Downs. This presented a unique challenge in identifying a suitable offset site.

A regional landholder with specialist knowledge of the species identified several occurrences of toadflax on their property and expressed an interest in providing the offset site required to replace the impact from the Toowoomba Bypass.

A survey confirmed toadflax was present and the land use and site conditions were suitable for an offset provision.

An offset delivery plan was developed in consultation with the Queensland Herbarium and an agreement signed to ensure the offset is secure in perpetuity.

Conservation outcome

This offset project will have four times the amount of plants that were impacted from the Toowoomba Bypass project site added to the existing population, and these plants will be managed to rehabilitate the population into one that is genetically viable, resilient to threats and self-sustaining.

Through an adaptive management approach, the area has been split into three Offset Management Units (OMUs), each with individual management requirements based on the most appropriate land management actions to achieve the greatest environmental benefit.

  1. No livestock grazing, with the exception of limited grazing for hazard fuel reduction when necessary
  2. Limited conservation grazing to assist with hazard fuel reduction and weed management as required
  3. Targeted woody vegetation management to reduce competition and shading for ideal toadflax growing conditions

Financial offset project benefits

  • this threatened plant species will be monitored and adaptively managed
  • the population will be protected in perpetuity
  • landholder receives payments for managing offset areas
  • the landowner can diversify their business income streams while assisting with the conservation of a vulnerable species.

If you are interested in providing an offset or would like further information about offset delivery, please email