
Time and Place

Time & Place (PDF, 4.1 MB) is the official newsletter of the Queensland Heritage Council. Each edition has a key theme reflecting an aspect of the State’s rich cultural heritage. View previous editions.

Living places

Living places commemorates 20 years of heritage conservation in Queensland through the Queensland Heritage Act 1992. It traces the history of Queensland's growth from the arrival of European settlers, and brings it to life through some of the significant places that tell Queensland’s story—places that today enjoy the protection of the Queensland Heritage Register. These places signify some of the most important steps, lives and experiences of the Queenslanders who came before us—now conserved by heritage legislation for those to come.


Assessing cultural heritage significance: Using the cultural heritage criteria (PDF, 5.5 MB) is an illustrated guide that offers a model for professional assessment of historical cultural heritage significance in Queensland.

Insuring a heritage-listed place

Owners and potential-owners of heritage-listed places often have questions about insuring heritage-listed places, for instance, how to find an insurer, whether premiums are affected by heritage listing, and how listing will influence insurance claims if the property is damaged or destroyed. The following fact sheets, endorsed by the Insurance Council of Australia, provide answers to the most common queries: Insuring a Queensland heritage-listed place and Six things insurers need to know.

Useful reading

The Burra Charter: good practice for heritage places has been developed by the Australia International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) as the guide for the conservation and management of places of cultural significance. Former Queensland Heritage Council member Peter Marquis-Kyle is co-author. The Burra Charter and The Illustrated Burra Charter are available on the ICOMOS website.