Industry and infrastructure project facilitation

Information about the Coordinator-General’s powers and processes for:

  • development assessment
  • dedication of land to industry, infrastructure corridors and major public works
  • compulsory land acquisition
  • planning, facilitation and delivery of infrastructure and major projects.

Environment approval process for coordinated projects

When a project is declared a coordinated project for which an environmental impact statement (EIS) or impact assessment report (IAR) is required under the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971, the project proponent is required to undertake a thorough and rigorous assessment of the positive and negative environmental impacts associated with 'coordinated projects'. This includes assessment of direct and indirect impacts to the natural, social and economic environment.

The EIS and IAR describe the current environment, the project's potential environmental impacts and propose ways of avoiding, mitigating or offsetting these impacts.

An IAR, rather than an EIS, may be used for a well-defined, low-medium risk project where likely impacts are highly predictable and the proponent’s proposals to address impacts are accepted best-practice in that industry.

Land resumption and prescribed project declaration

The Coordinator-General can compulsorily acquire, or resume, land for infrastructure development.

The Coordinator-General can further declare a project as a prescribed project to assist the proponent overcome any lengthy delays in obtaining necessary approvals.

State development areas

State development areas (SDA) are clearly defined areas of land - for industry, infrastructure corridors and major public works - established by the Coordinator-General to promote economic development in Queensland.

SDAs are typically industrial hubs, multi-user infrastructure corridors and major public infrastructure sites.