State school statistics

Statistics and demographic information about Queensland state schools and their students is available:

  • state school statistics—number of schools by type (primary, secondary, combined and special schools); number of schools and students by region
  • student enrolments—enrolment information collected each year in February and August and the number of home education registrations
  • student attendance—measure of student attendance (includes rates by region and year level)
  • class sizes—data for class sizes for primary and secondary classes (percentage of classes achieving targets and average class)
  • school disciplinary absences—number of suspensions, exclusions and cancellations with information by region and student demographics
  • School Opinion Survey—opinions from parents and caregivers, students, and staff about their school
  • languages in schools—a list of languages being taught at Queensland state schools
  • geographic information and maps—maps of Queensland state schools and geographic region boundaries
  • assessment and outcomes—links to information about student achievements and their destinations after leaving school.

Other school statistics

Every Queensland school is required to publish information that may be of interest to parents and the community including:

  • school contextual information
  • workforce information
  • funding information
  • social climate
  • student outcomes.

School annual reports are published on school websites.

The Schools Directory provides information on school location and enrolment details, with the option to search by region.

The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority publishes statewide and school level statistics on subject enrolments and assessment outcomes.

My School contains data on every school in Australia. This includes information on a school’s student profile, its NAPLAN performance and funding.

You can also access historical information about Queensland schools.


If you have any questions about school statistics or would like more information, email or phone (07) 3034 5199.