What if I'm not eligible for the NDIS?

If you disagree with your access decision you can ask the NDIA for an internal review of the decision.

If you have been advised that you do not meet eligibility criteria for the NDIS, there are alternative ways for people with disability to access support to help them achieve their goals.

  • Contact your NDIS Local Area Coordinator (LAC). LACs can also help people with disability who are not NDIS participants to connect with other supports available in your community through a Community Connection Plan
  • Other government services and organisations have been funded to deliver Information, Linkages and Capacity (ILC) activities.
  • The Queensland Community Support Scheme is available to people with disability who are not eligible for the NDIS, or who have chronic illness, mental health or other circumstance that impact your ability to live independently in the community. QCSS provides support to help you maintain or regain your independence, continue living safely in your home, or actively participate in your community. To apply go to the QCSS Access Point.
  • The Queensland Disability Advocacy Program funds organisations to deliver advocacy services to Queenslanders with disability, their family members and carers. Disability Advocacy Pathways provides statewide centralised phone and referral service to support all people with disability.
  • The Queensland Disability Peak and Representative Body Program funds organisations to deliver peak body services to Queenslanders with disability, their family members and carers, as well as disability service providers.

People who were receiving disability supports funded by the Queensland Government who did not meet NDIS access requirements, are continuing to be supported.

More information

Support for people who are not eligible