Govhack 2017

Govhack Handbook

GovHack 2017 event weekend helpful information.

Dataset and resource

List of datasets and resources for GovHack 2017.

The State competition challenges

Courting Justice

One day someone you know will need to find a court or court services. How do they find out the 'where and whyfores' of what they are looking for. Be innovative in your idea. Look to develop a simple to use tool or an app for people to enter info. into a search criteria such as “traffic fine court”.

As Safe as Houses

Our challenge encourages use of multiple datasets.Innovate and develop a tool that can be used to identify current demand and changes over 3,5,7 and 10 years,needs of vulnerable,early warning signs indicating a change in demand for Social Housing services by location and/or for particular groups of people.

Data Show Off

This challenge is about providing insights into data that Qld Govt publish in the most engaging way possible.Provide a more engaging way for users to interact with the Qld Govt Open Data Portal eg: working with CKAN API, provide insights from the datasets/portal itself,identify new data.

A Healthy Queensland

Our challenge is prevention is better than cure.Look at innovative ways to communicate risk factors.Perhaps use data from location, population,current services,hospital locations,medical centres,labs,x-ray and medical transportation-ambulance or flying doctor whilst factoring in indigenous outcomes.

Amazing Science

Our challenge is to mash up datasets and other QG datasets inform the community and promo science using data visual/storytelling by: 1.Info. Disc/Deliv (visualisation, edu. and promo) 2.Community and Stakeholder Engage (comm, multicultural and spec needs) 3.Comm. Disaster/Risk Awareness (preparedness and response)

The National completion challenges

An Energised Queensland

As part of this challenge, develop benchmark data from previous years dating back to at least 2013.Your team might design an interactive deliverable that may be used by energy providers nationally compatible across mobile operating systems show historical benchmarking and identify current trends.

Commonwealth Games Challenge

This challenge is about empowering visitors with the ability to get information.This is the ‘information’ that will get them around to various Cth Games events anywhere from Cairns through and the Gold Coast. Your innovation will be easy to use and also offer a wide range of language translation.