Resources and services

Sortli - a mobile app to help with transition

Sortli (short for ‘sort out your life’) is a free mobile app for young people transitioning to adulthood, to help them think about their future life and plan for their transition to independence.

It’s a fun, informative and easy-to-navigate app that can be installed on a mobile device, so that it can be accessed anywhere at any time. Download for Apple or Android.

Sortli has been developed by young people who have already left the care system and are living independently, as well as professionals who work with young people in care.

Sortli is a pocket companion to services and support. It provides a step-by-step guide for all the important areas of a young person’s life, such as finding a place to live, looking after health needs, managing a budget, finding a job, or doing some training and general life skills.

It works by helping young people to set their own personal goals and milestones, keep track of their progress and celebrate their successes. The information they enter into the app is stored on their mobile device only and is not provided back to the developers, the government or anyone else.

Sortli covers sensitive topics and is not suitable for young people under 15 years of age.

The young person in your care may in interested in viewing the Sortli promotional video.

Next Step Plus

The Next Step Plus program adopts a collaborative approach to providing support to young people leaving care.

Next Step Plus services work with Child Safety Officers (CSOs) to assist young people from the age of 15 to develop the skills and knowledge needed to successfully transition from care to adulthood, and to ensure those who have left care are able to receive tailored support up until the age of 25.

The vision for Next Step Plus is that all young people are resilient and supported, with the skills, capacity and capability to be the person they want to be. The program involves:

  • working with young people to build support systems that include family, carers, friends and community
  • delivering culturally appropriate practices and working with young people, families and carers from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island communities and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • ensuring young people have an identified natural mentor to support them in their transition journeys
  • increasing awareness and education about the supports and services available and connecting young people to these supports and services when required
  • identifying and responding to young people’s underlying needs and challenges
  • providing developmentally appropriate support.

For more information visit the Next Step Plus website or the Facebook page, and/or read the After your transition from care information on the Queensland Government Youth website.

Financial assistance

Child Safety may provide financial support to assist a young person meet their transition goals. Talk to your CSO about transition from care planning for the young person in your care.

Transition to Independent Living Allowance

The Transition to Independent Living Allowance (TILA) is a one-off payment from the Australian Government to help young people aged between 15 and 25 years, who are leaving care.

Funding of up to $1500 can be used towards the cost of moving to independent living, including a range of support services as well as training and education materials.

Young people can talk to their CSO about eligibility for TILA. The CSO will support them with their application.

For more information about TILA, call the Department of Social Services on 1300 653 227.