Reform of the Biodiscovery Act 2004

As part of the next stage in the reform of Queensland’s biodiscovery laws, consultation was held on the draft Traditional Knowledge in Biodiscovery Code of Practice and Guidelines.

Biodiscovery in Queensland involves the collection and analysis of native biological material (e.g. plants, animals and other organisms) for commercial applications such as pharmaceuticals and insecticides.

The reforms aim to better protect First Nations peoples’ knowledge and support the growth of the state’s biodiscovery industry in line with international standards.

The Code and Guidelines are important tools that aim to:

  • Improve alignment with international frameworks such as the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing, which promotes the fair and equitable sharing of benefits derived from the use of genetic resources.
  • Ensure Queensland continues to be a leader in scientific discovery in Australia and internationally, doing so in a way that supports First Nations peoples’ cultural rights and self-determination.
  • Support biodiscovery entities to collaborate internationally and access markets, creating job opportunities and supporting First Nations peoples to benefit in the process.

Consultation closed Friday 28 May 2021.

Find out how more.