Route marker signs

Route marker signs give you directions and information for the route you are:

  • approaching
  • travelling on
  • exiting from.

Route numbering

Route numbers identify roads as part of major routes connecting towns and cities. They are there to reassure you that you are continuing in the right direction for your journey.

Route numbers can appear as a stand-alone sign along the road or with a directional sign.

Route letters

A routes

An A route is a major arterial route in built-up areas that  connects routes between cities and towns in rural areas.

B routes

B routes are alternative routes that connect cities and  towns. They are normally a longer journey than an A route.

C routes

C route roads also connect road users to cities and towns,  but they are not major routes like A or B routes.

M routes

An M route may replace an A route on freeways and motorways  that extend out from the city.

Green shield-shaped sign with yellow text, national 31Green shield-shaped sign with the word national in yellow and blank space for a number

National highway route markers

A national highway route marker identifies a highway as a national route. The number on the sign shows which national route you are travelling on.

National highway route signs have yellow writing or symbols on a green background.

white shield-shaped sign with the number 95 in blackwhite shield-shaped sign with a black border and blank space for a number

National route markers

A national route marker indicates the road you are on has national significance. The number on the sign shows which national route you are driving on.

National route marker signs have black writing or symbols on a white background.

blue shield-shaped sign with the number 55 in whiteblue shield-shaped sign with white border and blank space for a number
green sign with the word end in white and a blue shield with the number 106

State route markers

A state route marker identifies a road as a state route. The number on the sign shows what state route you are driving on.

State route marker signs have white writing or symbols on a blue background.

brown sign with white text, tourist drive length 6km follow route number

Tourist drive signs

A tourist drive is a scenic drive or route that connects a number of tourist attractions. Tourist drive signs are brown with white writing or symbols.

Green trapezoid-shaped sign with white text W 44Green trapezoid-shaped sign with white text W 44 and the word national in yellow

small green rectangular sign with the word national in yellow

Kilometre plates

Kilometre plates show the distance to towns and cities. You will see these signs on arterial routes in built-up and rural areas.

The letter is the first letter of the town or city. For example, W may stand for Warwick.

Kilometre plates have white writing or symbols on a green background.

The national sign (yellow writing on a green background) is a supplementary sign that identifies national routes.

green sign with A5 in yellowgreen sign with M1 in yellow

Alphanumeric route numbers

A yellow letter and number without a border or shield shows which numbered route the marked road is.

These numbers may appear on a standalone sign or as part of a larger direction sign.

green sign with the word start in white and A7 in yellowgreen sign with the word end in white and A7 in yellow

Route number start  and end signs

Route number start and end signs show the start and end of a numbered route.

They have a green background and the:

  • words 'start' and 'end' in white writing
  • route number in yellow writing.
green sign with the words end and start in white and M2 and A2 in yellow

Route number change signs

Route number change signs show where an M route becomes an A route, or vice versa. While the letter on the route number might change, the number will not.

For example, the Warrego Highway heading west through the Ipswich region is an M2 route and changes to an A2 route near Brassall.

They have a green background and the:

  • words 'end' and 'start' in white writing
  • route numbers in yellow writing.
green sign with A39 in yellow and a white arrow

Guidance marker signs

A guidance marker sign shows that you are continuing on your route through built-up areas. The sign will show the direction you should go to continue your route.

They have a green background and:

  • a white arrow
  • the route number in yellow writing.
green sign with A39 in yellow

Reassurance marker signs

A reassurance marker sign shows that you are still travelling on the specified route.

Reassurance marker signs are placed:

  • outside a town or city facing departing traffic
  • after an intersection with another numbered route
  • after an intersection where the numbered route turns.

They have the route number in yellow writing on a green background.

green sign with white text, start OD1green sign with white text OD1 and an arrow

blue sign with white text, end OD1blue sign with white text OD1 and an arrow

Over-dimensional  route marker sign

Over-dimensional route marker signs direct oversized vehicles and loads to alternative routes. They usually have directional arrows showing the direction of the route.

Over-dimensional route marker signs can have multiple colour combinations:

  • White or yellow writing and symbols on a background of
    • blue
    • green
    • brown
    • black
  • Black writing or symbols on a background of
    • white
    • yellow
    • orange
    • light green.