Becoming a grandparent

Grandchildren are an exciting time for your family—as a grandparent you have an important role in your grandchild’s life.

To support new parents you can:

  • help with housework and cooking while they look after their new baby
  • compliment them on doing things well
  • organise your visits in advance, don’t just drop by
  • offer to mind the new baby if they have other children, to give them some quality time with their older children.

You may experience conflict when your opinions on parenting techniques differ to those of the baby’s parents. It’s important to respect their views on bringing up their children.

Building strong relationships with your grandchildren

Read parenting material to update your skills and knowledge. The Raising Children website is a good resource for information on children of all ages.

To build strong relationships with your grandchildren you can:

  • tell them stories about your family’s history and share traditions
  • spend time together and show them love and kindness
  • give them support—be there for them
  • build their self-esteem—take a personal interest in their lives.

Even if you live far away, you can develop close ties:

  • invite them to visit on holiday—together or one at a time
  • visit them
  • talk to them on the phone or over the internet (e.g. Skype)
  • write letters, send photographs, emails, tapes or videos with family stories in them.

Becoming a grandparent for the first time can bring mixed emotions. If you feel upset about growing older or worried about your children becoming parents, talk to other grandparents or a counsellor.

Helpful resources