Fine collection from your wages or bank account

A fine collection notice (FCN) is a legal document we can issue to your employer, bank or another organisation that holds money on your behalf.

It requires them, by law, to pay us money from:

  • your bank account
  • your wages
  • money held on your behalf by other organisations or people, such as
    • lotteries or casinos
    • insurance companies
    • trustees of an inheritance
    • the Queensland Police Service.

We can issue an FCN if you don't pay your enforcement order by the due date.

We do not have to go to court to issue an FCN and you cannot appeal our decision to use one.

The fine collection notice will be sent to your bank, financial institution, employer or relevant third party, and a copy will be sent to you.

Bank account funds

If we issue an FCN to your bank, they are legally required to transfer money from your bank account by either:

  • regular deductions at a rate determined by us


  • a lump sum.

It is an offence to try to avoid the fine collection by withdrawing funds from your bank account before the deduction occurs. This could make you liable for substantial penalties.

Employee wages

If we issue an FCN to your employer, they are legally required to take regular deductions out of your wages or salary at a rate determined by us.

You cannot ask your employer to change the amount in your FCN. They would be committing an offence if they failed to comply with the FCN and would be liable to penalties.

Changing a fine collection notice

If you can't afford the amount being deducted from your pay or bank account, phone us on 1300 365 635 immediately.