Subscribe for email valuation notices or change contact details

It's easy to receive your land valuation notice by email - simply subscribe using the form below.

You can also use this form to change your postal address.

Subscribe for email valuation notices or change contact details

Email valuation notices

You can nominate one email address to receive your land valuation notices.

When you register for email notices, you'll no longer receive paper valuation notices in the mail. Other communications about your valuation may continue to be delivered by post.

Cancelling email delivery

You can cancel email delivery of your land valuation notice at any time through the online form. Depending on when you update your details, you may receive one final valuation notice by email. You'll receive the next land valuation notice in the mail.

Change your postal address

Use this online form to change your postal address. If we're having trouble contacting you by email, we may reach out to you using your postal address on record, so it's important to keep your details up to date.