Our priorities

The government’s direction is informed by the government objectives for the community and commitments made to the people of Queensland during the election and throughout the term of government. The Premier also sets out each Minister’s priorities in a Ministerial Charter letter.

Progress on the delivery of government commitments and priorities is reported in a number of different ways to ensure transparency and accountability.

Government’s objectives for the community

Section 10 of the Financial Accountability Act 2009 (Qld) requires that the government prepares and tables in the Legislative Assembly a statement of the government’s broad objectives for the community.

The objectives for the community reflect the government’s vision for Queensland and outline our plan to build future prosperity and growth across the state.

The objectives are long-term and can only be achieved by everyone involved working together. The objectives are:

Good jobs

Good, secure jobs in our traditional and emerging industries.

  • Supporting jobs: Good, secure jobs in more industries to diversify the Queensland economy and build on existing strengths in agriculture, resources and tourism.
  • Backing small business: Help small business, the backbone of the state’s economy, thrive in a changing environment.
  • Making it for Queensland: Grow manufacturing across traditional and new industries, making new products in new ways and creating new jobs.
  • Investing in skills: Ensure Queenslanders have the skills they need to find meaningful jobs and set up pathways for the future.

Better services

Deliver even better services right across Queensland.

  • Backing our frontline services: Deliver world-class frontline services in key areas such as health, education, transport and community safety.
  • Keeping Queenslanders safe: Continue to keep Queenslanders safe as we learn to live with COVID-19 and ensure all Queenslanders can access world-class healthcare no matter where they live.
  • Connecting Queensland: Drive the economic benefits, improve social outcomes and create greater social inclusion through digital technology and services.
  • Educating for the future: Give our children the best start by investing in our teachers and schools.

Great lifestyle

Protect and enhance our Queensland lifestyle as we grow.

  • Protecting the environment: Protect and enhance our natural environment and heritage for future generations and achieve a 70% renewable energy target by 2032 and net zero emissions by 2050.
  • Growing our regions: Help Queensland’s regions grow by attracting people, talent and investment, and driving sustainable economic prosperity.
  • Building Queensland: Drive investment in the infrastructure that supports the State’s economy and jobs, builds resilience and underpins future prosperity.
  • Honouring and embracing our rich and ancient cultural history: Create opportunities for First Nations Queenslanders to thrive in a modern Queensland.

Government election commitments

The government is dedicated to taking strong action for the community and improving the lives of Queenslanders now and into the future. That is why it is a government priority to deliver on its election commitments.

The latest progress reports identify that over 70% of the 2020 election commitments and 96% of the 2017 election commitments have been delivered.

Access the latest progress reports on government election commitments using the following links: